
Master goldfield monster legends
Master goldfield monster legends

master goldfield monster legends

In addition, Silex is a dual-element monster. He also has some pretty good AoE moves, having both 40 and 35 AoEs that can also annoy your enemies with accuracy-decreasing status effects like Sunburn and Daze. His highest single target attack, Travelling Rock, is spammable, does Single 60, and also gives Silex a Shield. Due to his good Power and Life, he can be used as a mediocre self sustaining attacker, not to mention he has some nice skills to go along with it. However, if you use him as an Attacker only, it's a different story. Other than that, there's literally no other reason why you would ever pick Silex over the many better Tanks. His only good things are his access to NER and his great stats. In fact, it would be a stretch to call him a "Tank" due to his complete lack of team protection and limited self-sustain. He has generally high cooldowns, so any CDA monster such as Pierceid can easily immobilise him.Silex is the newest member of the "Tanks-That-$P-Made-When-They-Were-Too-High-On-Drugs" club, along with Killarok, Targon, Influxer, Juggernael, and Phyreas.She can remove his Stamina too, which is great in countering his high Stamina costs. The most recommended monster is the breedable Nidaria, which can Freeze, Bleed and Poison him. Any good Water monster can beat him, due to his bad life and trait.Recommended Runes: 2 Strength, 1 Team Speed Counters Burning Star (55 Special dmg + Stun, 40s, 2 CD).Ignition Slash / Conflagration (Ignition for AoE 35 Special dmg + Burn, 38s, 3 CD) / (Conflagration for 45 Fire dmg + Burn, 45s, 1 CD).Wildfire Slash (AoE 50 Special dmg, 40s, 3 CD).Burst Blow (35 Fire dmg + Self 20% Stamina Restore, 30s, 0 CD).High cooldowns and stamina costs on most moves.20% Stamina regain move with no cooldown, which is useful when you don't have much stamina.Everything about this monster is just mediocre. His terrible stats leave much to be desired, despite his good skills for the most part. Lord Moltus, a really old and mediocre fire monster with a Sauron look-alike design.

Master goldfield monster legends