
Mischief makers n64
Mischief makers n64

mischief makers n64

Marina is a robot created by the absent-minded Professor Theo, simultaneously working as his assistant, bodyguard, and maid. And since the company itself had been formed by people who had quit Konami looking for the chance to take on riskier projects that offered more freedom, Mischief Makers seems extremely embedded with a spirit of trying to think out of the box and without too many boundaries.ĭespite that wild heart, Mischief Makers gets going via a pretty standard storyline. Created by Treasure, it was a deliberate attempt by developers to step away from the types of titles they had produced in the past, which were mostly action or shoot ‘em up affairs. However, whatever strange feelings emerge out of the realization one is playing a 2-D platformer for the Nintendo 64 are completely dwarfed by pretty much everything else the game presents. Published in 1997, Mischief Makers was a platformer of classic inspirations in a time when all of the industry was too in love with 3-D spaces to even consider sidescrollers were an alternative. Yet, within a library of more than two hundred games, the fact it is hard to remember a title other than these two that decided to head down that path goes to show being a sidescrolling quest was in itself rather weird. Sure, it was not the sole effort of that kind to hit the console, as the existence of Yoshi’s Story proves that Nintendo itself took a shot at bringing a 2-D adventure to the system whose major selling point was being able to produce tridimensional games with ease. And, in a way, all of that strangeness starts with how it is a sidecrolling platformer released for the Nintendo 64. Mischief Makers is a work made up of quite a few unusual pieces, to the point that calling it a very odd game is probably the best approach to summarize it neatly.

mischief makers n64

Mischief Makers is a testament to how sheer creativity on its own simply does not cut it the grabbing movement it is centered around is a brilliant tool that opens numerous doors, but with such undercooked levels, its value is mostly lost

Mischief makers n64